Thursday, September 28, 2006

quick summary

Hey everyone. well i took my bio and American Heritgae class. I got a 90% on my american test but it should haveb een higher. i changed two answers at the end which i got wrong. then i got a 81% on my bio test which was actually really good. i guess everyone basically failed so i was happy. On sunday i tauight the Eldeers Quorum on President Monson's priesthood talk last april in GC. Also i got another calling. Early sunday morning some guy wanted to talk to me and he called me to be the Elders Quorum Teacher. so i'll be doing that now with 2 or 3 other guys. Umm this week has been boring. Mostly schoolwork and hanging out. I've watced two of the Indiana Jones with some girls but nothin much is happenin. i found a ride down to Utah for this GC weekend so ill see everyone in Utah and im excited. But ya thats it.....just going to classes. went to BOM today and its basically the coolest....have a great day! adios and sorry this is kinda boring....

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

another update

i dont have any pictures so i personally think that blogs without pictures are annoying so hecka sorry to begin with. I'll start off with last friday cause thats where i ended. Friday night i went to Gridiron Gang with danny, two other guys and a girl. it was cool. Saturday i played ball forever and then went to this guy named Mark Jackman's place where we hung out with him and a bunch of girls. Sunday was cool. Church, fireside and chillin. I've been playing a lot of God Blessed the Broken Road on piano and am trying to get good at that. Monday i had classes. I have an american heritage test and a bio test this week so i've beent trying to study for those a lot. I had my bio lab with my partners who are basically hecka annoying but im trying to have a better attitude about it. Then on monday we had FHE and after played basketball for 2 hours. It was cool cause once i got on, i didnt lose. My team won like 15 or so straight. it was cool. Tuesday i had BOM which is sweet and a flag football game again. The QB finally noticed how awesome i am (TEASIN!!!) and passed more me. i didnt drop any and caught 10 or so. I had 3 touchdowns which was fun adn should've had a fourth but stopped running cause i thought my flag was off. It was fun cause i a lot fo the time would take off and i was faster than the defenders so he'd bomb the ball and i'd always catch it. we lost tho....boun boun boun(debbie downer noise...?). Today i jsut got out of classes and am chillin in the library getting ready for my tests and writing hecka english and BOM papers. Liam has been home all day cause me and him got sick. we're trying to get over it but it super annoying. Thats my life! o and i ran into Tiann today for a couple minutes. she cool. ummm....thats it! i check my mail everyday to see a blank box boun boun boun (debbie downer!) teasin! i like to try to make people send me stuff but please dont....i just like to tease. but ya....thins are great! sorry this is boring but i spelled my words write....(teasin i meant right!) k later

Friday, September 15, 2006

Guess what!?!

Teasin theres nothin to guess. Alright well im gonna blog on this site instead of blodgettbuzz cause i dont want to take up hecka space. I'll sum up this last week. On sunday the bishop was calling people to stand and recieve callings. So i thought that they all got called to accept the calling (which they did) and then the Bishop calls ..."Bro Dustin....Booget?" and i stood up and was like..."Blodgett?' and then he contionued calling me and i had no idea so it was kinda nervous but i got called to be the FHE Cooridnator. ya so good story. Umm Monday night max and i were having a dance party in teh dorms....we do it a lot...and then he put on a batman suit and i put on hecka under armour, glasses, crazy hat, and orange short shorts and we decided to run around and dance around campus. We got my iPod speakers and satrted dancing all over the place. It was sweet. We started at the girls dorms and then made our way to the Hart PE building. But on our way we had like 50 people stop and dance with us. it was cool. we went thru the building but ended up getting chased out by some guy. We danced around for like and hour and a half. good times. Umm last night we had our first flag football game. I had 2 interceptions but accidentally dropped 2 passes. but we lost by a touchdown bu it was fun. umm BOM class is super cool. ummm my black eye is still here and hasnt gone down at all. ummm feel free to send me anything....thats it for now....bye fam!