Monday, January 29, 2007

The Favorite

Well i probably shouldnt be telling the family this because Mom didnt want me to. But i am going to anyway. I got a package in the mail the other day and it was from Mom. I opened it surprised to find this beautiful, expensive multi-colored coat laying there in the bottom of the box. I pulled it out, tried it on and I looked handsome, I looked smart, and relaized that I am a walking work of art. That night I had a pretty interesting dream where my family (all of you guys) and I were in a corn field. You guys were all mad at me because my corn was soo much bigger than all of yours. I dont know what this means. I dont know how many of you are familiar with the Jospeh and the Mulit-colored dreamcoat but i think Mom is trying to say something to the rest of the family. Well love ya all and dont toss me in any pit! Love Dustin!

Teasin for hecka squezzins!! I'm kidding about everything. Mom hasnt sent a package yet (haha teasin mom!) but this is a pretty sweet jacket. It was 90% off at the bookstore. I got it for 5$. Pretty cool huh? Max and Stephen also got one and we matched was cute...


Julie said...

That was funny! You had me goin there dustball...or should I call you Joseph!? I think I actually want to do that when my boys are older..get a sweet multicolored coat and put it in the closet of my favorite for the day...because he did the most chores :) well, i'm really excited for your mission call. You should just come here to open it!! teasin, but if you want to... well, have a great time watching 24 tonight!

D-dawg said...

Dust, I'm sorry to break it to you, but I've had a multi colored coat for years that mom and dad secretly gave me. ha ha ha. I loved your blog. Now, your jacket is another story... isn't it a little bright? I love that you and boys matched. so darling!!!! (o:

angie said...

Dustrag- you got me! I love the brightness of it and you DO look like a walking work of art!!

The Dustblog said...

haha you guys! always gettin me