This last Saturday, I woke up and walked over to the stadium to participate in Gameday! And the game later!
Also, at the tiniest little sprinkle of rain, Devin busted this HUG, EMBARASSING PONCHO OUT OF HIS POCKET AND WORE IT THE WHOLE TIME. haha. We were laughing pretty hard but he looked cute in it. haha. Probably my favorite picture of the whole day!
It was also hecka fun to be at the game with two of my bwudduhs! I hecka hooked them up with tickets (teasin!) and we had tons of fun analyzing the game and wishing we were suited up to play or talking about how much better coaches we'd be with the play calls. haha. It was fun, although BYU lost. :(
Also! I was able to see the Adamson boys at College Gameday Saturday morning. I was there checking it out and saw Dallin out of the blue which led me to the others. It was fun to catch up with them!